Who am I?

Hey, I’m specialised in Human-Computer Interaction —HCI— (including dev, code, UI, UX, mockups, …), with 14+ years of experience including full-stack development, in particular With interaction design (visualisation, data-story telling and UI). In other words, I help people dealing with complicated data, to make them understandable.

Looking for

For now, I’m looking for a position as either Product designer, Senior Front dev or somewhat inbetween, preferably in those fields:


CXO · Product designer · Senior Lead front-dev · InfoViz & Data Storyteller · Interaction Designer (UI/UX) · Scrum Master

I already worked on that fields:


I particularly appreciate any interaction designer position, working on InfoViz and data storytelling, finding renderer optimisation, prototyping new kind of solution for unresolved problems, designing the software architecture to serve the UX, experimenting innovative technologies, etc.

I also have an interesting experience in the research field, compiling the state of the art, dealing with scientific publications but also being a postgraduate lecturer.